Faculty and Chief Administrators
Definitions of Faculty Titles
Associate Faculty: Part-time, non-contract Fielding faculty members who often teach courses and may be invited to serve as mentors and/or on thesis and dissertation committees and perform other duties as described in and compensated according to Schedule A. The President or Provost may appoint Fielding employees to an Associate Faculty role in recognition of their scholarly contributions in their fields or by virtue of their role at the university (e.g. serving on the academic leadership and/or university leadership teams). They do not participate in Institutional Service & Governance and are not academic senate members.
Affiliate Faculty: Part-time, non-contract Fielding faculty members who do not teach courses. They may serve on dissertation committees and perform other duties as described in and compensated according to Schedule A. Individuals who supervise clinical trainees may also be appointed as Affiliate Faculty, although they are not compensated. They do not participate in Institutional Service & Governance and are not academic senate members.
Core Faculty: Fielding faculty members who are under contract at no less than .5 FTE to teach courses and serve on thesis and dissertation committees. Core Faculty also participate in service and governance within their programs, schools, and the University, and/or as elected or designated by the Senate Leadership Committee (SLC). They are academic senate members and are eligible to vote on senate matters.
Dean/Faculty/Provost Emeritus: The honorary title Faculty/Professor Emeritus may be conferred on faculty members who retire from Fielding, in recognition of lengthy, meritorious, and loyal service to Fielding. This designation is approved individually by the Board of Trustees. With the approval of the Dean and/or Program Director, Emeriti may serve on dissertation committees or teach a course and may be compensated according to Schedule A, but they do not participate in Institutional Services & Governance and are not academic senate members.
Name and Link to Bio
Adams, Michelle L.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Agger-Gupta, Dorothy E.
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of Massachusetts
Alexander, Celeste
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
MS, Brenau University
Alvarado, Carrie R. |
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University |
Álvarez Mangual, Melissa
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, Northeastern University
Appelbaum, Richard P.
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of Chicago
Arnold, Carrie A.
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Austin, John R.
Affiliate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Boston College
Baca, Leonard M.
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, University of Northern Colorado
Bacon, Jennifer N.
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of Maryland-College Park
Baker, Nancy
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, California School of Professional Psychology
Barrett, Frank J.
Affiliate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Case Western Reserve University
Battaglia, John
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
DMin, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Evangelical University
Bell, Autumn
Manager of Academic Technology and Services
MA, University of New Mexico
Benach, Pedro L.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PsyD, Chaminade University
Bendell Estroff, Debra
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Kansas
Bennett, John L.
Interim President (effective 1/1/25): Fielding Graduate University
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Benson-Quaziena, Marcella
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Bentz, Valerie M.
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Southern Illinois University
Berry, April T.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of South Alabama-Mobile
Black, Laura
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of Washington
Bolanos, Carmen R.
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Boston University
Bonds-Raacke, Jennifer
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Kansas State University
Boutin-Martinez, Alma
Associate Provost of Institutional Effectiveness and Continuous Improvement
PhD, University of California-Santa Barbara
Brady, Bridget L.
Registrar & Director of Curricular Services
MS, California State University-Long Beach
Bryson, W. Jeff
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Bulanda, Michelle
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
DSc, University of Oklahoma
Burns, C. Darrin
Director of ERP and Information Technology
MIS, Capella University
Burroughs, Jamel
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Bush, Joseph P.
Associate Faculty/Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Virginia
Cahn, Lindsay
Director of Advising
EdD, University of Southern California
Casas, Rachel N.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Iowa |
Casenhiser, Devin M.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Catalano, Corinne G.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Montclair State University
Cho, Rosa J.
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, New York University
Christian, P. Dian
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Colombo, Barbara
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan, Italy)
Constantine, Joseph
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of South Florida
Corley, Constance
Affiliate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Cornelius, Allen
Visiting Scholar: School of Psychology
PhD, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Costa, Gerard
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Temple University
Craig, Jenene W.
Academic Program Director of Infant & Early Childhood Development PhD Program: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Craig, Argentine S.
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Union Graduate College
Cramer, Margaret A.
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, California School of Professional Psychology
Cutler, Brian L.
Academic Program Director of Media Psychology Programs: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Davies, Erica A.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Davis-White Eyes, Allison
Vice President of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Oregon State University
DeBolt, Timothy J.
Director of Marketing
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
DelaCerda, Jose
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Benedictine University
Dill, Jay
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia
DiStefano, Anna
Provost Emerit
EdD, Boston University
Dorn, Uma P.
Director of Clinical Practicum Training: School of Psychology
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Georgia
Drob, Sanford L.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, Boston University
Dumas, Marine
Director of Institutional Research
Dunlop, Connie Whittaker
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, George Washington University
Dyette, Ksera
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PsyD, Widener University
Edwards, Jennifer L.
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Ehlers-Flint, M. Lorraine
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, California School of Professional Psychology (aka Alliant International University)
Emick-Seibert, Jessica E.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Maryland-College Park
Epstein, Kathryn “Kitty” Kelly
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of California-Berkeley
Evans, Sarah F.
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Faille, Lisa
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, California School of Professional Psychology (aka Alliant International University)
Fallon, April E.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Farrell, Marie
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Maynooth University
Feder, Joshua D.
Affiliate Faculty: School of Psychology
MD, Boston University
Ferrare, Dino
Vice President of Human Resources and IT Operations
MS, Binghamton University
Fichter, Erica
Executive Director of Strategic Enrollment and Alumni Initiatives
MEd, Northern Arizona University
Field, Tiffany
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Massachusetts
Fisher, Tracy L.
Affiliate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, City University of New York
Fisher Smith, Amy
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Brigham Young University
Foley, Gilbert M.
Affiliate Faculty: School of Psychology
EdD, Lehigh University
Fowler, Henry
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, Fielding Graduate University
Frank, Chiyoko K.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Cornell University
Freimuth, Marilyn
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, Clark University
Gallegos, Placida V.
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of California-Riverside
Geller, Kathy D.
Dean of the Faculty
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
George-Feres, Deborah
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Walden University
Giannetti, Ronald A.
Dean Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, University of California-Berkeley
Gillum, Tameka L.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Michigan State University
Gliniak, Christine
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Glovinsky, Ira P.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Goldberg, Elkhonon
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, City University of New York
Goldberg, Susan G.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
JD, Georgetown University
Goldyne, Dara A.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Gordon, Sue
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of Chicago
Greene, Anthony F.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of South Florida
Griffith, Nathan M.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Cincinnati
Grissette-Banks, Monique
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Guilarte, Miguel G.
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Columbia University
Hadden, Julia
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PsyD, William James College
Hairston, Latise
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Niagara University
Hamabata, Matthew M.
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Harvard University
Hamlett, Tiffany
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Texas Woman’s University
Hansen, Nancy Downing
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Florida
Hanson, Elaine D.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Denver
JD, University of Colorado, School of Law
Harrell, Ivan L.
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Florida State University
Harris-Britt, April
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Chapel Hill University
Harway, Michele
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Maryland
Haskie, Miranda J.
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, Fielding Graduate University
Hatcher, Sherry Lynn
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Michigan
Hauser, Laura
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Hawkins II, Raymond C.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Henderson Jr., Lenneal J.
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of California-Berkeley
Hildebrandt, Terry H.
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Ho, Christine
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of California-Los Angeles
Holland, Daniel C.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Hollingsworth, David W.
Director of Clinical Training: School of Psychology
PhD, Oklahoma State University
Honda, Jennifer
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
OTD, Nova Southeastern University
Howell, Steven R.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, McMaster University
Hudson, Barclay
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, Harvard University
Hughes, Jamie S.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, New Mexico State University
Hurst, Clifford
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Ibrahim, Carolyn
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Rush University
Iris-Wilbanks, Jonathan
Academic Program Director of Infant and Early Childhood Development Masters Programs: School of Psychology
MA, Mills College
Isbouts, Jean-Pierre
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
DLitt, Leyden University
Jackson, Akua
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University |
Jackson, Julie A.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PsyD, Adler University
Jacobs, Don Trent “Four Arrows”
Associate Faculty, School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Columbia Pacific University
EdD, Boise State University
Jacquin, Kristine M.
Dean of Curriculum and Innovation
Academic Program Developer
Academic Program Director for the Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology Certificates: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Texas
Jensen, Susanne M.
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Bonn
Johnson, Natassia
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Adelphi University
Jorgenson, Jane
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Josselson, Ruthellen
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Michigan
Kalmanson, Barbara
Affiliate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of California-Berkeley
Klein, June R.
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
EdD, Fielding Graduate University
Kneis, Philip |
Faculty Fellow: School of Leadership Studies |
PhD, University of Potsdam |
Kranzberg, Marti B.
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Kuipers, Judith
President Emerit
PhD, Michigan State University
Lambert, Jessica E.
Faculty Research Specialist: School of Psychology |
PhD, University of Albany, SUNY |
Landa, Katrina G.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
EdD, Florida International University
Lannon, Kari L.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Lassen, Maureen K.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Arizona
Laszlo, Alexander |
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies |
PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Lazaridou, Asimina
Core Faculty: School of Psychology |
PhD, University of Macedonia |
Leach, Edward J.
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, The University of Texas-Austin
Leaver, Echo E.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology |
PhD, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign |
Lemke, Debbie
Director of Academic Conference & Event Services
Lenzy, Cherjanet
Associate Provost of Student Life & Thriving
PhD, University of Northern Colorado
Leslie, Bruce H.
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, The University of Texas-Austin
Levin, Leanne J.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Lewis, Cedric D.
Director of Finance & Accounting
MBA, St. Leo University
Lewis, Marva L.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Colorado-Boulder
Lopes, Milton
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Lyn, Hilary S.
Director of Alumni Relations
MS, California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
Lynam, Abigail
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Prescott College
Maber, Trevor
Lecturer: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
MacDonald, Heather K.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PsyD, Pacific University
Manning, Michael R.
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Purdue University
Márquez-López, Teresa
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, Teachers College, Columbia University
Matamonasa-Bennett, Arieahn
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Mattila, Heidi M.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
McClintock, Charles
Dean Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
Director of the Institute for Social Innovation
PhD, State University of New York
McElhenie, Michael
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of North Texas
McGraw, Katherine
Associate Provost of Research, Extramural Funding, and Faculty Development
Director, Marie Fielder Center for Democracy, Leadership and Education
PhD, Howard University
McKenna, Andrea
Director of Academic Operations and Finance
EdD, Fielding Graduate University
McPherson, Sandra
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, Case Western Reserve University
Mejia, Erik
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
MS, Northwestern University
Melton, Charles Reid
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
MRP (Master of Regional Planning), Cornell University
Melville, Keith E.
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Columbia University
Miles-Novelo, Andreas J.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Iowa State University
Mizock, Lauren
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Suffolk University
Moody, H. Rick
Distinguished Visiting Scholar: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Columbia University
Morin, Christophe
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Murphy-Shigematsu, Stephen
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, Harvard University
Myhal, M. Lynn
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of Rhode Island
Nelson, Annabelle L.
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of Kansas
Neuschatz, Jeffrey S.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Binghamton University
Newman, Nina F.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Newton, Rae
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, University of California-Santa Barbara
Nicklasson, Elena I.
Vice President of University Relations
MA, Middlebury College
Nitzburg, George C.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Columbia University
North, Malcolm A.
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Grand Canyon University
Norwood, Kathryn J.
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, Fielding Graduate University
Nourse, A. Kevin
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Oblath, Rachel
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Boston University
Okazawa-Rey, Margo
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, Harvard University
Ormerod, Alayne “Mimi”
Director of Clinical Research Practicum Training: School of Psychology
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Page, Konjit V.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of North Dakota
Palloff, Rena M.
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Patterson, Angela
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Penfold Navarro, Catharine
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of Kentucky
Peterson, Korinne N.
Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Peterzell, David H.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Colorado-Boulder
Phelan, Daniel J.
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Iowa State University
Plato, Toni
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, University of New England-Armidale
Platzman, Kathleen A.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Chicago
Ponciano, Leslie H.
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies |
PhD University of California, Los Angeles |
Puccio, Cynthia P.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Pulido, Carmen
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of California-San Diego
Purisch, Arnold D.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of South Dakota
Rae, Abigail
Director of Library Services
MLIS, California State University-San Jose
Ray, Keith
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Reed, Perry |
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology |
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Rehorick, David
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of Alberta
Reilly, Nora P. |
Academic Program Director of Psychology PhD Program: School of Psychology
PhD, Dartmouth University |
Retland, Nicole |
Director of Operations & Program Manager: Center for the Advancement of STEM Leadership (CASL)
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Howard University |
Rivera, Melissa |
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, Harvard University |
Roberson, Brittney L. |
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology |
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Robinson, Georgeanna W.
Core Faculty/Research Specialist: School of Psychology
EdD, University of Pittsburgh
Rogers, Katrina S.
President (retiring 1/31/25): Fielding Graduate University
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Northern Arizona University
Rosenthal, Patrice E.
Interim Academic Program Director of Human & Organizational Development Programs: School of Leadership Studies
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, London School of Economics & Political Science
Rudestam, Janice R.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, York University
Rudestam, Kjell E.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Oregon
Rust, Kimberly |
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology |
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Rutledge, Pamela B.
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Saba, Lynne
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Sage, Kara
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Oregon
Scanlon-Greene, Mark E.
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Schapiro, Steven
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Schoenholtz-Read, Judith
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
Faculty Emerit: School of Psychology
EdD, University of British Columbia
Schulman, Gary
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Stanford University
Schwartz, Jarrod
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
MS, American University
Seiler, Hélène
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
DCM (Doctorate of Coaching and Mentoring), Oxford Brookes University
Shackleford, Karen E.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia
Shapiro, Jeremy
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Brandies University
Simmons, Lillian
Assistant Provost of Institutional Effectiveness & Continuous Improvement
MS, Louisiana State University-Shreveport
Singleton, Tunisha
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Silverman, Robert J.
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Cornell University
Smith, Jennifer B.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Smith, Nicola E.
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
JD, Harvard Law School
Steier, Frederick
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Stevens-Long, Judith
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of California, Los Angeles
Sweeney, Patrick
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Szuromi, Ibolya
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Taylor, Amy E.
Director of the Alonso Center for Psychodynamic Studies
Ruthellen Josselson Chair for Qualitative Inquiry
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Duquesne University
Thoennes, Sean P.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Thomas, Earl E.
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
EdD, Kansas State University
Thompson, Laura A.
Core Faculty/Research Specialist: School of Psychology
PhD, University of California-Santa Cruz
Thompson, Teresa L.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Tiner-Sewell, Kathy A.
Faculty Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Tuma, Regina M.
Core Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, The New School for Research
Udo, Okokon
Academic Program Director for the Evidence Based Coaching Certificate and Organization Development and Leadership, MA: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Luther Seminary
VanWormer, Lisa A. |
Core Faculty: School of Psychology |
PhD, Purdue University
Veazey, Connie S.
Academic Program Director of Clinical Psychology PhD and Respecialization Certificate Programs: School of Psychology
PhD, University at Albany
Veloni, Gina
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Vignone, Mary Jean
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Vivian, James E.
Core Faculty/Research Specialist: School of Psychology
PhD, Boston College
Walker, Kimberly
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Antioch University
Walters, Andrew Schrack
Core Faculty/Research Specialist: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Georgia
Walton-Walker, Tia
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Michigan State University
Warren, Mary G.
Affiliate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Arizona State University
Weniger, Jennifer
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, Northcentral University
White, Dennis K.
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
JD, Woodrow Wilson College of Law, Oglethorpe University
Wiley-Rapoport, Caryn
Associate Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Williams, Camilla R.
Coordinator of Clinical Admissions and Advising: School of Psychology
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, University of Michigan
Williams, Wendi S.
Provost and Senior Vice President
PhD, Georgia State University
Willis, David Blake
Core Faculty: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, University of Iowa
Witt, Judith V.
Dean Emerit: School of Leadership Studies
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Wright, Michelle F.
Associate Faculty: School of Psychology
PhD, DePaul University |
Yufik, Thomas
Core Faculty/Research Specialist: School of Psychology
PhD, State University of New York, Buffalo
Board of Trustees
Name and Link to Bio
Ali, Michael
Public Trustee
PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Baker, Nancy L.
Trustee Emerit
PhD, California School of Professional Psychology
Bennett, John L.
Public Trustee
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Bogart, Karen S.
Public Trustee
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Bunnell, Karin
Vice Board Chair
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Earley, Keith |
Trustee Emerit |
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
JD, Rutgers University
Epps, Zabrina
Student Trustee
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Fisher, Tracy L.
Public Trustee
PhD, City University of New York
Goldstein, Michael
Public Trustee
Trustee Emerit
JD, New York University School of Law
Goodman, Russell A.
Trustee Emerit
MBA, University of California, Los Angeles
Greene, Anthony F.
Faculty Trustee
PhD, University of South Florida
Gyllenpalm, Bo V.
Trustee Emerit
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Harding, Jay
PhD, Fielding Graduate University |
Henderson Jr., Lenneal J.
Faculty Trustee
PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Honold, Linda K. |
Public Trustee |
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Katz, Judith H.
Trustee Emerit
EdD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Markle, E. Nancy
Trustee Emerit
BSN, Valparaiso University
Miller-Zahn, Natasha |
Public Trustee |
B.Acc., Northern Arizona University, The W.A. Franke College of Business
Prairie Chicken, Christie |
Public Trustee |
EdD, Fielding Graduate University
Sanchez, Maria V.
Student Trustee
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Shafran, Constance R.
Public Trustee
Trustee Emerit
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Shapiro, Nancy S.
Trustee Emerit
PhD, University of Maryland
Smith, Nicola J.
Faculty Trustee
JD, Harvard Law School |
Toldson, Ivory
Public Trustee
PhD, Temple University
Wagenheim, Gary
Board Chair
PhD, Fielding Graduate University
Zell, Patricia
JD, Georgetown University
Excerpts of the Board of Trustee Bylaws
Classes of Trustees and Terms of Office
Section 2.03. There shall be three (3) classes of Trustees:
(1) Public
(2) Faculty
(3) Student
Public Trustees are individuals who are not employed by or enrolled at Fielding. The governance committee will nominate candidates for the position to be vetted and elected by the Board. Term of office of Public Trustees shall be one three (3) year term. Public Trustees may be elected for two subsequent three (3) year terms for a total of 9 years of service. A period of at least one (1) year must lapse before such person is again eligible for election as a Public Trustee. A Public Trustee who has previously served as a Faculty Trustee and/or Student Trustee is eligible for three (3) 3-year terms as a Public Trustee.
Two Faculty Trustees will serve on the Board of Trustees. The Senate Leadership Committee will nominate candidates from among faculty applicants for the position to be vetted and elected by the Board. Term of office of Faculty Trustees shall be one three (3) year term. Faculty Trustees may not be elected for a second consecutive term unless they are completing the term due to a vacancy. A faculty Trustee who is completing a term due to vacancy is eligible for election to another term if the term they are completing is more than half completed when they fill the vacancy (see section 2.06 d). Otherwise, a period of at least one (1) year must lapse before such person is again eligible for election as a Faculty Trustee. However, a former Faculty Trustee shall be eligible for service as a Public Trustee after leaving FGU employment.
Two Student Trustees will serve on the Board of Trustees. Programs will nominate students who are in good standing to be vetted and elected by the Board. Term of office of Student Trustees shall be one two (2) year term. Student Trustees may not be elected for a second consecutive term unless they are completing the term due to a vacancy. A student Trustee who is completing a term due to vacancy is eligible for election to another term if the term they are completing is more than half completed when they fill the vacancy (see section 2.06 d). A period of at least one (1) year must lapse before such person is again eligible for election as a Student Trustee. However, a former Student Trustee shall be eligible for service as a Public Trustee after graduating FGU.
Section 2.08. Subject to the provisions of the California General Corporation Law and any limitations in the articles of incorporation and these Bylaws, all corporate powers of the Corporation shall be exercised, its properties controlled, and its affairs conducted by the Board. The following powers are exclusively delegated to the Board:
(a) To adopt, amend, or repeal the Bylaws of the Corporation.
(b) To affirm the general policies of the Corporation and see to their faithful execution.
(c) To manage the financial affairs of the Corporation so as to ensure the Corporation’s financial stability and the continued integrity of its academic programs, including the power to borrow and incur indebtedness for the purposes of the Corporation, set tuition and other charges, and to approve its annual operating and capital budgets.
(d) To affirm the strategic plan of the Corporation so as to ensure the Corporation’s long-term viability.
(e) To grant academic honors and issue certificates or diplomas and confer degrees evidencing the completion of prescribed courses of instruction. Such certificates and diplomas or degrees shall be issued under the corporate seal and with the signatures of such officers of the corporation, as the Trustees deem expedient.
(f) To approve and confer honorary degrees and emeritus status.
(g) To select, appoint, or remove the President of the Corporation, and to set the terms and conditions of his or her employment.
Number and Titles
Section 3.01. The officers of the Corporation shall be a Chair, a Vice Chair, President, Treasurer, and Secretary and such other officers and assistant officers as the Board may determine. The Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected from among the Trustees. The criteria for election of a Chair, a Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary are: a) must have been on the Board for at least one year; and b) must have demonstrated substantive involvement in the work of the Board. Neither the Secretary nor the Treasurer may serve as the Chair or President at the same time.
The Chair of the Board for the preceding year will continue to serve for one year with the title of Immediate Past Chair, unless the Chair succeeds herself or himself, in which case this title will remain vacant. If the regular Board term of the Immediate Past Chair is lapsing with his or her term as Chair, the Immediate Past Chair will continue as a Board member for one additional year. The Chair may request the Immediate Past Chair to assume responsibility as the Chair directs, including service on the Executive Committee.
Chair and Vice Chair
Section 3.04. The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected annually from among the Trustees.
(Duties of the Chair and Vice Chair)
The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board and of the Executive Committee. The Chair shall be a member ex officio of all Standing Committees, and perform such other duties as may be from time to time assigned to the Chair by the Board or by these Bylaws.
In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall perform in the Chair’s place in compliance with Section 2.09(h).
Section 3.05. A President shall be appointed by the Board to serve at the pleasure of the Board, provided that the President may be engaged to serve for a term of years subject to such terms and conditions as the Board shall adopt. The President shall be an ex officio nonvoting member of the Board and of the Executive Committee and all Standing Committees of the Board.
(Duties of the President)
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation and shall in general, subject to the control of the Board, supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the Corporation. The President shall, subject to the direction of the Board except by action of the Trustees otherwise delegating the authority, appoint and remove, employ and discharge, and prescribe the duties and fix the compensation of all agents, employees, and clerks of the Corporation except as provided in Article 2.08 (c). The President shall perform all duties incident to the office and such other duties as may be required by law, the Articles of Incorporation of this Corporation, or these Bylaws, or which may be from time to time assigned to this officer by the Board. In the event of the absence or disability of the President to act, the Board will appoint an Interim President for an interim period.
Section 3.06. A Treasurer shall be elected annually by the Board.
(Duties of the Treasurer)
In general, the Treasurer shall perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer, including, but not limited to, the oversight of the financial functions of the Corporation, and such other duties as may be required by law, the Articles of Incorporation of this Corporation, or these Bylaws, or which may from time to time be assigned to this officer by the Board. Any instrument, check or note to which the Corporation shall be a party and which would obligate the Corporation to an amount determined by resolution of the Board must be signed by the Treasurer and the President.
Section 3.07. The Secretary shall be elected annually by the Board. (Duties of the Secretary) The Secretary shall perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be required by law, the Articles of Incorporation of this Corporation, or by these Bylaws, or which may from time to time be assigned to this officer by the Board. Without limiting the foregoing, the Secretary shall give, or cause to be given, notice of all meetings of the Board required by the Bylaws or by law, record minutes of Board of Trustees meetings, and keep the seal of the Corporation if one be adopted, in safe custody.