PSY-748 Humanistic and Existential Theory/Therapy4 semester credits This course looks at the major concepts and issues of humanistic, existential, phenomenological, and organismic personality theories and their respective approaches to intervention.
This course comprehends humanistic/existential psychology as an approach to psychological theory, research, and psychotherapy that focuses upon lived experience in the context of the individual’s relatedness to self and others, and their cultural, social and natural environments.
Humanistic/Existential psychologists typically take a profound interest in the experience of clients, therapists, subjects and investigators. They promote an “open economy” of experience and ideas, respect the autonomy and value of individuals, communities and cultures, honor and value history and tradition without being blindly obedient to them, place the individual’s experience and the therapeutic relationship (as opposed to diagnosis, theory and classification) at the focus of clinical interactions, and take particular interest in the fundamental conditions of human existence, including mortality, freedom, desire, will, isolation, alienation, relatedness, meaning, and creativity. Humanistic/existential psychology is concerned with the positive and joyous, as well as the pathological and tragic aspects of human life. Pre-requisites: PSY-711A1 Delivery Method: Distance/Electronically Mediated Grading Default: Letter Only Note: Elective Learning Outcome(s):
- Be familiar with a broad spectrum of humanistic, existential-phenomenological, post-modern and systemic theories and principles.
- Be able to conceptualize the relevance of these principles to the therapeutic alliance, relationship and technique.
- Be able to recognize the relationship between humanistic & existential psychology and other psychological and psychotherapeutic approaches.
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