Feb 05, 2025
PSY-767A The Social Impact of Mobile and Immersive Media4 semester credits Every new medium introduces new forms of narrative. Immersive media (IM), augmented reality (AR), transmedia storytelling, and more, create tremendous media disruption - and tremendous opportunity. Internet 1.0 (1994 - 2000) was all about the great disruption of a hyperlinked world, which was quickly watered down to online shopping. Internet 2.0 (2004 - 2009) was the decade it took to figure out what to do with a networked, rich web app, social media world. The advent (2009 - present) of IM, and particularly AR, is where broadband enabled mobile technology makes the Internet inescapable offering pitfall and promise. As we rapidly move toward a future where wireless is embedded in everything around us, these media innovations, combined with the modern tablets and smart phones, empower the user with extraordinary capabilities. In theory, almost anyone can know almost anything almost anywhere. This increased transparency leads to reduced privacy, timely access to information breeds constant access to entertainment and we can trust product marketers to use and abuse the medium. Can these developments be used to increase the cognitive understanding of social concerns? Can location based information (GIS) and spatial psychology be used to increase our cognitive relationship to physical place? What is the social impact of real time data delivery? This seminar recasts Marshal McLuhan’s famous axiom where the device becomes the message. Public and private organizations as well as foundations and NGOs are adding GIS competence and functions. This development, combined with a layer of real time information accessed through immersive media and augmented reality, addresses the demand for media strategists rather than technologists. In this seminar, these new innovations are brought to life through case studies, research findings and a myriad of applications, product demos and false starts. It draws on the foundations of psychology that lead to effective data visualization, application design, increased human understanding and most importantly mobile advocacy. This revolution will not be televised. Delivery Method: Distance/Electronically Mediated Grading Default: Letter
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