Jan 13, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2015-2016 
Academic Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Safety


Fielding Graduate University is strongly committed to crime prevention and to the safety of the University community. The University considers the personal physical safety of its students and employees necessary for a successful learning environment. It is our hope that a well-informed University community will be a safe one.

The Department of Education collects crime statistics from institutions each fall and makes the data available to the public on these websites: http://www.collegenavigator.gov and http://ope.ed.gov/security.

Annual Security Report

Fielding Graduate University’s Annual Security Report (ASR) is published annually and updated online on our public website on or before October 1. The ASR covers issues concerning crime prevention, crime reporting, sexual assault, alcohol and drug use, and crimes reported to the University over the previous three years that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus, as well as other related matters. Campus statistics for crime, arrest and referral include those reported to the appropriate law enforcement agencies and those University officials designated as Campus Security Authorities.

Students, faculty, staff, prospective employees and interested individuals may also access printed copies of this Report during regular business hours at the Fielding Graduate University Human Resources Office, located at 2020 De la Vina Street, Santa Barbara, California.

Preparation of the ASR and compliance with the Clery Act are University-wide responsibilities. The University requests statistics from local law enforcement with jurisdiction around Non Campus property. The University has very occasional use of On Campus property pursuant to Clery Act definitions.

Campus Security Authorities and Crime Reporting

At any time, a Fielding student, staff or faculty member, or other member of the Fielding community may report a crime to local law enforcement for the jurisdiction they are in and/or the jurisdiction in which the crime occurred by dialing 911. Crimes may also be reported to:

HR Specialist crime_reporting@fielding.edu 805.898.4083
Director of HR and Employment Equity crime_reporting@fielding.edu 805.898.4018
Dean for Student Development kjacquin@fielding.edu 805.898.2949

Campus Security Authorities:

Marilyn Freimuth, Clinical Psychology Program Director 805.898.4029
Dorothy Agger-Gupta, HOD Program Director 805.624.6402
Kathy Tiner, EdD and IECD Program Director 805.689.6625
Faculty serving as cluster leaders Staff and Faculty Directory
All administrators at the level of Director or above
All members of the Advising staff advising@fielding.edu
All members of the Conferencing and Events staff sessions@fielding.edu