Feb 05, 2025
PSY-722 Content Analysis4 semester credits This course will provide the basic groundwork for using content analysis methodology. Content analysis is a scientific methodology used for making inferences by objectively and systematically identifying content and studying the content of communication. For educators, psychologists, teachers, consultants, and other professionals, it is valuable to examine media offerings that are deliberately designed to benefit individuals educationally, psychologically, and socially. Such analyses can be of film, television, print images, text, news, advertisement, and web pages. In this course, students will learn to conduct, assemble, and synthesize research on content. Lieblich’s model of analyses, including holistic-content, holistic-form, categorical-content and categorical form, will create systemic tools for the learner to identify themes in narrative. Learner generated written texts will give practice in “naked” as well as template coding of qualitative data. Pre-requisites: CLINICAL: PSY-716A and PSY-701A MEDIA: PSY-526A Delivery Method: Distance/Electronically Mediated Grading Default: Letter Learning Objective: 1. Be familiar with epistemological assumptions of content analysis from both a qualitative and quantitative framework.
2. Be familiar with Libelich’s quadrant model of content analysis.
3. Be able to analyze content analysis research articles in terms of research question, data collection, methods of coding, reliability, and validity.
4. Be able to collect narrative data and use inductive coding to establish themes.
5. Be able to compute reliability on a data set.
6. Be able to complete a content research prospectus including literature review, research question, criteria for a data set, and coding plans.
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