PSY-629A3 Practicum Case Seminar: Psychodynamic2 semester credits Each 2 unit PSY-629 term (term 1 is 629A1 and so on) is designed to complement the student’s clinical practicum experience. The primary goals of PSY-629 are: a) to provide depth exposure to one broad clinical theoretical orientation, including theoretical understanding, applied skill development, and related research and; b) to provide ongoing case consultation and supervision linked to the training the students are concurrently receiving at their practicum sites. The PSY-629A series focuses on developing a strong knowledge base in psychoanalytic theories and the application of psychodynamic theory and research to the practice of psychotherapy. Pre-requisites: PSY-629A2 Delivery Method: Blended Grading Default: Letter Learning Outcome(s):
- Be familiar with psychodynamic theory and principles across its historical iterations.
- Be able to appropriately conceptualize cases from a psychodynamic perspective with a clear theory and evidence-based underpinning.
- Be able to conduct appropriate treatment planning in consideration of diagnosis, client goals, ego strength and potential for regression.
- Be able to utilize psychodynamic principles to diagnose a broad range of psychopathology.
- Be able to intervene therapeutically and empathically with clients in psychodynamically relevant and effective ways.
- Be able to form a solid working therapeutic alliance.
- Be able to assess treatment outcomes in a psychodynamic framework.
- Be able to maintain professional standards and provide treatment consistent with ethical and legal standard.
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