Oct 07, 2024  
Academic Catalog 2024-2025 
Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Safety & Regulatory Information


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) was implemented in 1974 as a federal law to protect the privacy of student education records. FERPA also gives students the right to review their education records, seek to amend inaccurate information in their records, and provide consent for the disclosure of their records. This law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. For more information see:


The Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose crime statistics that happen on and around their campuses. The law was originally known as the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 and was amended and renamed in 1998 after Jeanne Clery, a Lehigh University student who was assaulted and murdered in her residence hall on April 5, 1986.

Fielding Graduate University is strongly committed to crime prevention and to the safety of the University community. The University considers the personal physical safety of its students and employees necessary for a successful learning environment. It is our hope that a well-informed University community will be a safe one.

Fielding Graduate University’s Annual Security Report (ASR) is published annually and updated online on our public website on or before October 1. The ASR covers issues concerning crime prevention, crime reporting, sexual assault, alcohol and drug use, and crimes reported to the University over the previous three years that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus, as well as other related matters. Campus statistics for crime, arrest and referral include those reported to the appropriate law enforcement agencies and those University officials designated as Campus Security Authorities.

Students, faculty, staff, prospective employees and interested individuals may also access printed copies of the ASR during regular business hours at the Fielding Graduate University Human Resources Office, located at 2020 De la Vina Street, Santa Barbara, California.

Preparation of the ASR and compliance with the Clery Act are University-wide responsibilities. The University requests statistics from local law enforcement with jurisdiction around Non Campus property. The University has very occasional use of On Campus property pursuant to Clery Act definitions.

The Department of Education collects crime statistics from institutions each fall and makes the data available to the public on these websites: http://www.collegenavigator.gov and http://ope.ed.gov/security.


Campus Security Authorities and Crime Reporting

At any time, a Fielding student, staff or faculty member, or other member of the Fielding community may report a crime to local law enforcement for the jurisdiction they are in and/or the jurisdiction in which the crime occurred by dialing 911. Crimes may also be reported to:

Human Resources Specialist titleixcoordinator@fielding.edu (805) 898-4083
Human Resources Director dferrare@fielding.edu (805) 898-4018

Campus Security Authorities:

Core Faculty members, All administrators at the level of Director or above

Staff and Faculty Directory
All members of the Human Resources staff hr@fielding.edu or titleixcoordinator@fielding.edu


Guests and Visitors Policy

In keeping with Fielding Graduates University’s commitment to a safe, academically focused environment, we ask that you observe the following:

  • Presence in the online and physical classrooms is restricted to enrolled students and/or authorized visitors with a legitimate academic purpose. Any individual not registered as a student, employed by Fielding or employed as a contractor is considered a visitor.
  • For physical classes at session, non-registered students, guests, and visitors are expected to sign in at the session desk, may be asked to present a valid government-issued photo ID, and provide a legitimate educational purpose for visiting the session (e.g., pre-arranged visits with admissions advisors, meetings with program administrators or faculty, registration for an event, etc.)
  • For both physical and online classes, Fielding faculty and instructors must ensure that the individuals present in their classes are registered students and/or visitors with a legitimate, authorized, and academic purpose. Guests and/or visitors may not attend a class without permission in writing from the Program Director or Dean or their designee. Alumni of the program instructing the class/seminar can be approved by the Program Director, all other visitors must be approved by the Dean or their designee.
  • Individuals under the age of 18 entering a Fielding facility must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or adult representative at all times. Fielding Graduate University is not responsible for unaccompanied minors.
  • Guest and visitor conduct is not permitted to interfere with the Fielding Graduate University educational process or our learning environment. Guests and visitors are expected to abide by all operational regulations and guidelines including safety and access restrictions.
  • Fielding Graduate University reserves the right to remove or restrict guests and visitors from its online classrooms and physical facilities who violate guidelines or who cause disruptions to programs, activities, services and/or classes, or for any other reason deemed necessary by the University.

Policy Effective 09/01/2023


Vaccination (COVID-19) and Behavioral Accord

University Policy for Entry to Fielding In-Person Events/Work Sites

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased community and personal health risks. The Fielding Graduate University community is no exception, and aims to mitigate risk based on public health guidance and best practices in university and employment settings. Although the University cannot eliminate all risks, even with the best planning, the University community can work together to reduce risks associated with COVID-19. By joining in a culture of shared responsibility for safety and well-being, our Fielding community can minimize transmission of COVID-19 and protect those most vulnerable to the virus.

This Fielding University Behavioral Accord describes the University’s expectations of conduct and behavior for all attendees (students, faculty, alumni, employees, family members) joining us for any Fielding in-person events (or to work in or visit a Fielding work site). The in-person event/work site will be considered our “campus” for the duration of the time spent at the in-person event/work site. The following Accord applies to all attendees. Anyone who fails to return this signed Behavioral Accord to Fielding by the posted deadline for the in-person event will be removed from the authorized list of attendees and not allowed entry to the in-person event/work site. For students and alumni, the accord is agreed to online in WebAdvisor Self-Service.

Fielding University Behavioral Accord

I understand that as a member of the Fielding Graduate University community, I have a responsibility to help keep our colleagues and the greater community safe, and that we must adopt a culture of shared responsibility for our safety and well-being. I understand that the measures I am agreeing to undertake are currently necessary to protect my health and safety and that of others, both on our campus and in the local community. I agree to abide by all federal, state, local and Fielding University mandates, policies, protocols, and procedures related to COVID-19, including taking a COVID-19 test if requested. I understand that, if we, as a community, cannot adhere to the Accord, we risk creating a serious COVID-19 outbreak.

I understand that, in addition to this Accord, I am expected to continue to comply with all other applicable Fielding policies, procedures, and in-person event/work site expectations.

The expectations set forth below are based on recommendations by public health authorities and may change based on the spread of COVID-19 in the community or developments in medical knowledge. To protect myself and others, I understand and agree to adhere to the following expectations, and with supplemental health and safety responsibilities the University or public health authorities may establish.

Health & Wellness

I agree:

  1. To follow this Accord for every Fielding in-person event/work site I want to enter until the University provides notice that they are no longer in effect.
  2. That I may revoke my agreement with this Accord at any time by providing notice in writing, but that I will be unable to enter any Fielding in-person event/work site.
  3. If I want to enter an in-person event/work site, before doing so, to submit proof of being vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus, and I will carry proof of vaccination with me at all times. OR I will submit an Exemption Request Form, and, if approved, I will carry proof of an approved exemption with me at all times.
  4. That my health insurance plan will provide in-network or out-of-network coverage in the locale of the in-person event/work site, or that I will be responsible for any and all medical expenses accrued as a result of travel or entry to an in-person event/work site.
  5. To provide my chosen name, address, contact information, and emergency contact information in WebAdvisor Self-Service (students only). Failure to do so will result in being prohibited from entering the in-person event/work site. I understand that all emergency contact information will be:
  • Treated as confidential and stored securely
  • Used only in a health emergency at an in-person event/work site or if contact tracing becomes necessary during or after entering the in-person event/work site
  • Accessible to authorized Fielding employees only.
  1. To take responsibility for my own health and the health of others in our community by adhering to guidance from Fielding, the host location, the host location’s city and county, and applicable state health authorities.
  2. To practice good hygiene, including:
  • Wearing a face covering at all times while on “campus” - when I enter a classroom, in common areas, when moving through shared spaces, and otherwise as required by the University.
  • Coughing or sneezing into my elbow, even while wearing a face covering.
  • Washing my hands frequently throughout the day for at least 20 seconds.
  • Staying home, in my lodging, or self-isolating if I am sick.
  • Being tested if I report or display COVID-19 symptoms.
  1. To use the COVID-19 test kits provided by Fielding to self-administer a test, if requested.
  2. To report a positive test result to Fielding immediately.
  3. While at an in-person event/work site, to quarantine if I receive a positive test result for COVID-19, as directed by health authorities, and to fully cooperate with contact tracing and quarantine efforts.
  4. That if exposed to someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19, I will self-isolate in my lodging for a minimum of 7 -10 days after exposure.

Seminar/Classroom Rules

I agree:

  1. To wear a face covering (mask) at all times.
  2. To treat the faculty instructors and teaching assistants, Classroom Monitors, Fielding staff, and host location employees with respect at all times. This includes following their directives regarding classroom entry and exit and face covering.
  3. To carry a government issued photo ID, health insurance card, and proof of vaccination or approved vaccination exemption with me at all times, and be prepared to produce them if requested by Fielding staff or Classroom Monitors.
  4. To arrive on time for class and follow entry and exit protocols.
  5. NOT to attend class if I display COVID-19 symptoms, if am not feeling well, or if I am in self-isolation or quarantine.
  6. To report any COVID-related concerns or conflicts by emailing covid@fielding.edu or calling 805-898-4018.
  7. To refrain from individual actions that will place other members of the Fielding community at risk.
  8. That my individual actions outside the “campus” can impact the wider residential community.

Guest Rules

I agree that:

  • All of my invited guests will adhere to the University’s Behavioral Accord, which includes
  • wearing a mask
  • showing proof of vaccination or approved vaccination exemption when requested
  • taking a COVID-19 test, if requested
  • providing contact information if they test positive or if needed for contact tracing purposes


I understand that violations of this Accord will be handled expeditiously by the Fielding staff and Classroom Monitors. I agree that if Fielding staff or Classroom Monitors determine that my behavior violated the Accord, I will lose the privilege of entering the in-person event/work site. I acknowledge and agree that there is no appeal of the decisions and directives of the Fielding staff and Classroom Monitors, as these determinations will be made on an urgent basis to protect the health and safety of the community as a whole. The decisions and directives of the Fielding staff and Classroom Monitors may be reported by Fielding as disciplinary records or actions.

The future course of COVID-19 is unpredictable. Many factors will contribute to the severity of the pandemic. I acknowledge that even with the mitigation steps taken by Fielding and my anticipated compliance with the expectations set forth above, I may be exposed to and contract COVID-19. I further understand that there are risks to attending any “campus” event/work site in-person, whether in classrooms, inside the host location, or outside it.

Policy Revised 04/01/2022


Vaccination (COVID-19) Exemption Policy

Requests for Exemptions to the Vaccination Requirement for Entry to Fielding In-Person Events/Work Sites

Fielding Graduate University is required by law to offer reasonable accommodations to individuals who qualify for an exception to the vaccination requirement based on their disabilities, as well as to employees who object to vaccination based on their sincerely-held religious belief, practice, or observance. While vaccination against the virus that causes COVID is a critical step for protecting the health and safety of our communities and ending the pandemic, the COVID vaccine mandate will be applied consistently across all groups of individuals covered by this policy.

Exemption requests must be documented on either the Medical Exemption Request Form or the Religious Exemption Request Form and either submitted online in WebAdvisor (current or prospective students/alumni) or submitted via email (staff/faculty) to covid@fielding.edu. All fields in each form must be completed for the exemption to be considered.

NOTE: Anyone who is exempted from the required COVID vaccination must submit proof of a negative test result within 72 hours of entering an in-person event/work site.


In order to qualify for a religious exemption, provide a description of your sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance, and how these prevent you from receiving a COVID vaccination. Fielding can legally deny an exemption request to a vaccination policy for social, political or economic reasons, personal preferences or nonreligious concerns regarding possible side effects of the COVID vaccine, because such objections are not considered “religious beliefs” under Title VII.

Requests for religious exemptions will be reviewed and approved if the description on the Religious Exemption Request Form indicates a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance that prevents the applicant from receiving a COVID vaccination. If information supplied is ambiguous or insufficient, the exemption request will be denied. The University’s decision regarding the exemption request is final.


  1. The specific medical contraindication for which the exemption is requested. A list can be found on the CDC web site here.
  2. A written statement by a licensed, treating medical provider [a physician (MD or DO), nurse practitioner (NP), or physician’s assistant (PA)], including at least one of the following:
  • The applicable CDC contraindication for the vaccine(s), or
  • The applicable contraindication found in the manufacturer’s package insert for the vaccine(s), or
  • A statement that the physical condition of the person or medical circumstances relating to the person are such that vaccination is not considered safe, indicating the specific nature and probable duration of the medical condition or circumstances that contraindicate vaccination with the vaccine(s)
  1. Whether or not the duration of the exemption is permanent or temporary for any vaccine(s) and, if temporary, the expiration date of the exemption.
  2. Alternatively, proof of documentation of positive antibody titers at levels which indicate immunity to disease may be used to request an exemption.

All forms must be signed by a licensed, treating medical provider (MD, DO, NP, or PA) and include the practice location address, telephone number, signing provider’s license number, and state or country (if outside the U.S.) where the licensed medical provider practices.

Requests for medical exemptions will be reviewed and approved if the Medical Exemption Request Form requirements 1-3 or 4 are met. If information supplied is ambiguous or insufficient, the exemption request will be denied. The University’s decision regarding the exemption request is final.

Policy Effective 04/01/2022


Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy and Prevention Plan

The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 requires institutions who participate in federal student aid programs to provide information to its students, faculty, and employees to prevent drug and alcohol abuse. Information about programming opportunities and assistance programs are available to students and employees with suspected drug or alcohol problems in the Annual Security Report (ASR). Possible repercussions of violating state and institutional drug and alcohol policies are also available in the Annual Security Report (ASR).


Other Institutional Information

Federal legislation also requires the release of institutional information regarding the cost of attendance; accreditation; and academic programs; facilitates and services to disabled students; financial assistance available to students and requirements and restrictions imposed on Title IV; and refund policies. This information is published annually on public webpages and in this catalog. For direct links to all required published information, see our Student Consumer Information page.